٭ When we’re invited to facilitate and hold space, we take the role of moderators, mediators and counselors. We can offer guidance through conflicts, reflections-processes or moments of change. We can be with you when something starts, grows or comes to an end.
٭ We assist in creating power sensitive spaces which allow to speak openly and become aware of roles and dynamics within the group. To create this space means to us that everyone can find there spot and feels seen while also asymetries and priviliges are minded.
٭ At public moments, as events, panels or gatherings, we moderate the conversations, bring people in contact with each other and guide through the chosen framework.
٭ We put our own experiences, ambivalences and desires at the center of our research.
٭ When we explore fields, we often turn to those we are close to, our relationships to us are the most intimate site for structural and political negotiations.
٭ We are interested in examining structures and relations of everyday life, that we all one way or another relate to. No matter if it’s money, grief, or dependencies, when we look though a personal und situated lens and allow for vulnerability we create connection and participate in forms of knowledege production that center feelings and offer us different ways of relating to one another.
٭ We understand production as a political practice and are interested not only in the What, but also very much in the How. Our guiding principles stay the same as we shift into the role of holding space and creating structure for other peoples projects.
٭ We plan and realize projects and events l accompany conceptual, content-related and artistic processes l design organizational structures, workflows and communication channels l handle funding, finances and accounting.